Evening all,
We're very pleased to announce that the highly excellent👌😎Hog's Head Inn in Alnwick will again be the venue for both the start and the finish of the rally: https://www.inncollectiongroup.com/hogs-head-inn/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAx9q6BhCDARIsACwUxu72s5d5LxetlzYxCGl4_lVD-J6E4UHLqyaDTXoGhEx8Wuuk7aZud6oaAi2HEALw_wcB
The Inn Collection Group are also very kindly offering us a 15% discount on their current online flexible bed and breakfast rate for the nights of the 14th, 15th and 16th of March 2025.
To take up this offer, please call their Reservations Team on 0191 5803610 quoting “Mini Cooper Register” and the date(s).
Thanks all.
Mini Cooper Register
WaterAid UK